Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms


Gradient descent is one of the most favorite algorithms to accomplish optimization and by far the most common way to optimize neural networks. At the same time, every state-of-the- art Deep Learning library contains executions of colorful algorithms to optimize gradient descent. 


 There are three variants of gradient descent, which differ in how important data we use to calculate the gradient of the objective function. Depending on the measure of data, we make a trade-off between the delicacy of the parameter update and the time it takes to execute an update. 



 Choosing a proper learning rate can be delicate. A learning rate that's too small leads to hardly slow confluence, while a learning rate that's too big can hamper confluence and effect the loss function to change around the minimum or indeed to diverge. 


 Another key challenge of minimizing largely non-convex error functions ordinary for neural networks is escaping getting trapped in their many sour local minima. 

 Gradient descent Optimization Algorithms 


 Some algorithms that are extensively applied by the deep learning community to deal with the forenamed challenges. 

 Nesterov accelerated gradient 

 Nesterov accelerated gradient ( Horse) (6) is a way to offer our boost term this kind of prescience. 


 Adagrad (9) is an algorithm for gradient- based optimization that does just this It adapts the learning rate to the parameters, accomplishing lower updates 

 ( i.e. low learning rates) for parameters companied with constantly being features, and larger updates ( i.e. high learning rates) for parameters companied with occasional features. 


 Adadelta (13) is an extension of Adagrad that seeks to demote its aggressive, monotonically diminishing learning rate. Rather of assembling all once squared gradients, Adadelta restricts the window of accumulated once gradients to some fixed size w. 


In this article, we learned about Gradient descent , its challenges and  Gradient descent Optimization Algorithms .


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